Which mount type is right for You?
The starting point is the very simple but highly effective flat TV wall bracket; these are the least visible, fit the TV very closely to the wall and are often completely hidden from view once installed.
A lot of people however choose a tilting type of TV wall bracket that as the name implies allows you to tilt the screen up and down about its central axis thus enabling the viewer to get the optimum angle to the screen. Tilting TV brackets tend to mount the TV about 80mm off the wall and typically give +/- 15 degrees of movement.
The most flexible and best type of TV bracket is the full-motion version and most of these also give an extendable arm mechanism or cantilever arm that allows the TV to be brought out into the room. These TV brackets are often of heavy duty construction for use with bigger screens and require fitting to a study brick or block wall. Once installed you have ultimate control, you can tilt it, swivel it, pull it out and push it back in all with a slick well engineered movement.